Alpine Integrated Solution Sdn Bhd
About Company
The Alpine Team has vast experience in the M.I.C.E industry and is extremely familiar with working on government related events or exhibitions as this has been the key focus since its inception in 2016.
Our Team members’ vast experience and expertise cuts across various key economic industries including Oil & Gas, Food & Hospitality, Green Technology , Defence and Security amongst others.
The Alpine Team have worked with some 20 Government Ministries and Agencies over the last 5 years. This includes PM’s office, The Ministry of Defence (Malaysian Army, Royal Malaysian Navy, Royal Malaysian Air Force) The National Security Council, The National Agency of Cyber Security, The Ministry of Communications & Multimedia, MDEC, MCMC, Royal Malaysia Police, The Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, The Malaysian Space Agency and many more.
The Cyber Defence & Cyber Security by the Alpine Team had been tabled and approved by Cabinet as a National Event in November 2019 which led to the formation of the CYDES Steering Committee (chaired by the Deputy PM) and attended by some 30 Ministry representatives. The Alpine Team have such niche experience and understand the expectations and commitment required .
The Alpine Team is also skilled with being able to manage multi-faceted events and activities within the same time frame. For CYDES 2021, the team managed some 100 events within a period of 3 days.
In and CYDES 2023 back to back in May and July respectively.
Besides the company experience, the senior people who are the foundation of the organisation have the required extensive and vast experience spanning over 30 years as well as possess the niche skills set when running large scale government events like LIMA.